Aloe Vera gel has unique qualities that makes it highly useful in various medicinal and fashion products. Hindi name of aloe vera is guar patha. In Sanskrit aloe vera means Ghritkumari (घृतकुमारी) which means a young girl. Considering the quality of aloe vera’s leaf gel and its name in Sanskrit it means it always keeps you youthful like a young girl. The historical records and references from ayurveda clearly states and proven scientifically that aloe vera’s leaf gel has great healing and rejuvenating qualities when applied to skin, wounds, painful areas, and other ailments.
Why am I writing on Aloe Vera Gel?
Long back almost 18 to 20 years ago when I was in college I read an article in Times of India newspaper fitness section. I don’t remember exactly, however I think it was in a special edition of Wednesday or weekend edition. It was an article about the benefits of aloe vera and its historical uses. I can clearly recall the article. This article was talking about the era of kings and queens. Their army used to carry hundreds of aloe vera plants with them. During wartime, they used to plant & grow them near their camps for their leaves’ gel as it has medicinal value. After a tough day fighting with the enemies, the army used to return to their base camp. Then they would treat wounded soldiers with aloe vera leaves extract. We call this extract aloe vera pulp or gel.
This article left a permanent impression in my mind about the benefits of aloe vera gel. I being a garden lover planted multiple plants of aloe vera in my garden and in my balcony garden.

In this blog, I will share my personal experience about the uses of aloe vera gel and the benefits I have experienced using it over the years. Frankly, I don’t have any scientific or historical data that proves my experience and my claims, however, if you Google about it you will find many scientific studies proving the claim with data. Of course, you can trust this because there are many world-renowned companies like Patanjali, Mama Earth, Hindustan Unilever, & many others across the globe that are using aloe vera gel in their various products and selling them like hotcakes. Today you can see that many big companies are selling aloe vera based products or aloe vera extract like aloe vera gel, aloe vera juice, aloe vera cream, aloe vera extract containing face pack, shampoo and soaps and many other health & fitness products.
Below I am sharing six uses of AloeVera Gel based on my personal experience.
FYI, I have been using aloe vera gel for more than 10 years now and the following are different uses that I made in these 10 years –
- Aloe Vera Gel as Hair Gel: I have applied aloevera’s gel on my hairs as a hair gel product like any other product available in the market or online store. My experience with aloevera gel on my hairs is well satisfactory. After taking a bath apply AloeVera Gel on hairs, wet or dry, it will make hair smooth and soft. You can easily set your hair as per the choice. Since it’s a hundred percent natural gel, it doesn’t harm hairs and scalp. The beauty of this natural gel is that it sets the hairs the way I want. It doesn’t break them from roots & also nourishes them. I have also used Brylcreem a couple of times during my college days and now when I Apply aloevera gel on my hairs I can clearly see the difference. The natural gel doesn’t allow dust to stick to your hairs compared to the artificial man made hair gel products. I also noticed that when I apply water or wet my hairs aloe vera gel makes my hairs smooth and soft compared to artificial gel. I highly recommend raw aloe vera gel to be used as hair gel compared to any other gel available in the industry or market across the globe.
- Aloe Vera Gel as Wound Healer – Another best use of aloe vera gel is as a wound healer. As mentioned earlier, people from ancient times have been using aloevera gel as wound healer. People have been applying the gel on cuts, burns, and other types of wounds. I followed this and have seen remarkable improvements in wound healing & scar removal.
- Aloe Vera Gel as a Painkiller or anti-inflammatory – The use of Aloe Vera Gel as a painkiller is quite strange to me. I accidentally found this use when I hit my leg below the knee against something and had red painful bruises. During that time I was already using aloe vera gel over cuts and wound, so I applied it on the reddish, & painful area of my leg. To my surprise I noticed a sudden rise in the pain on that particular area of the wound and in half an hour the pain subsided and finally was gone. Thereafter I have been using aloevera gel as a painkiller gel and it has been successful.
- Aloe Vera Gel as an After Shave – The most easy use of aloe vera gel is as ‘after shave’. Simply use the aloe vera leave’s gel after you have clean shaved your beard and moustache. The gel has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that makes it a best after shave gel. Even one can use it after threading. Applying the gel over the threaded area prevent skin irritation and blackening around hair roots.
- Anti dandruff: The aloe vera gel’s antifungal and moisturizing properties makes it an highly effective and affordable solution for treating dandruff. Both men and women can apply it and reap the benefits. It might also help smoothing rough hairs and split ends by providing natural nutrition.
- Anti Fungal : Its anti-fungal property makes it a multicombat natural product. So it helps in treating dandruff & other fungal infections of the skin. I have fungal infection and seasonal change that causes skin irritation on my palms and feet. I have visited many doctors and dermatologists who gave me medicines, shampoo, and solutions to apply to the problem areas. No doubt these medicines helped me in treating the problem, however the problem regrows after a few months every time I stopped using them. Of course, I can’t take them throughout my life so I started using aloevera gel and it has worked magically. Now the fungal infection is limited to only 5% areas and it regenerates only in that 5% area if I don’t pay attention to allergens like dust. Of course it’s always better to use natural remedies than man made chemicals.
How to extract aloe vera gel and what part of the gel should be used?

- Select a healthy & thick aloe vera leaf.
- Cut the leaf from the bottom close to the thick stem.
- Now you will see a yellow colour pungent smell liquid coming out of this cut. Let it drop completely. Now wash the leaf properly to remove any dust and any traces of this pungent yellow liquid.
- Once this leaf is clean, make a cut on the leaf of 1 inch size and separate this piece. Store the rest of the leaf for next time use.
- Remove the spines on either side of this 1 inch piece with proper cut.
- Divide this block into two halves to use the inner side containing the gel. Rub it or squeeze it to extract the gel and apply it to the place of your choice.
That’s so simple, say thanks to mother nature and follow our Linkedin page.
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